EMF INDEPTH.  Effects, History and Therapies

PEMF Therapy, Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field is low intensity, low frequency similar to the Earth's magnetic field

EMF is Electro Magnetic Fields which refers to the man-made high frequency radiation.

MRS or Magnetic Resonance Stimulation is the same as PEMF Therapy

I will send you a separate email on the MRS I use and below is a letter I put together about EHS.

Wireless radiation is Radio Frequency Micro Waves, (RFMW). The U.S. Air Force sponsored a multi- million dollar study in 1984 on pulsed microwaves at 2.45 GHz (WiFi frequency). The study was published in 1992 - but hidden from the public for 27 years and not made public until 2011. The study showed a significant increase in malignant tumors in rats and noted affects in the adrenal glands and the entire endocrine system. Shortly after this study was made public in 2011, the World Health Organization, (WHO) listed Radio Frequency Micro Wave ‘wireless’ Radiation on list 2b possibly carcinogenic. Search ‘microwave sickness’ and you will find that the effects of microwave ‘wireless’ radiation basically amplifies any illness you have. Wonder why it takes so long to recover nowadays? This makes it very difficult to say exactly what types of illness are caused by exposure to RFMW radiation.


For some reason the public is made to believe that wireless technology (Wifi, cordless phones, cell phones, baby monitors, smart meters cell towers, etc.) is safe. Respected scientists, doctors and researchers have yet to produce one elusive document, study, report or letter from a physician, scientist or researcher stating that long term exposure to low level RFMW radiation is safe. What is the safe level of microwave pulsed irradiation on the ovarian follicles for the first 100 days of a pregnant woman? There are no safe levels and WiFi will cause still births, mis-carriages and genetic damaged children for generations to come.


It is important to know that the Telecommunications Industry has surpassed the Aviation Industry as the biggest polluter of our time. Cellular transmitters require power 24/7. Personal wireless devices have extremely short life spans and are made from extremely toxic materials. Ironically, it is a huge contradiction when people who use this technology all the time claim to be healers, environmentalists, energy conservationists or naturalists concerned about the bees and climate change. For all the nature lovers consider this: Cryptochrome and Magnetic Sensing is a navigational system within the brain of birds, bees, butterflies, ants and other flying insects. Migratory birds use the Earth's magnetic field, as well as a variety of other environmental cues, to find their way during migration. Under normal conditions, birds & bees are sensitive to only a narrow band of magnetic field strengths around the geomagnetic field. Wireless pulsed signals disorientate insects and birds and they can’t find their way back or find their way to where they need to go. Consider turning your cell phone COMPLETELY OFF whenever you can OR turning FLIGHT MODE ON, reduces the wireless pulsed signals emitted from your phone and the cell towers with which they communicate.


Let us go back in time – Why do people assume that wireless is safe? Does it have to do with the older generation of people who did not get sick watching TV or listening to the radio? TV and radio ‘wireless’ signals are less than 108 Mega Hertz (Top end of the FM dial). Below 100 MHz the wavelength is too large to be absorbed into the body. But today wireless devices use over 1 GHz or 1,000 MHz and at this very high frequency, the wavelength is small enough to be absorbed into the body. People did not get sick from the wireless signals used for TV and radio unless they lived near the broadcast antenna also known as the transmitter. The high power density or voltage intensity in the air around the transmitter causes harm to the human DNA and makes people sick. So you see the problem is two-fold – frequency and intensity of the signal. People are now carrying around and using high frequency transmitters way too often. They live, work and play in high frequency radiation. Wireless devices were originally developed for emergency situations in which they are invaluable. We need to Practice Safe Tech so we can teach the children how to reduce their exposure as they will live their whole lives in the high frequency radiation. Wireless is electrical signals and we know the causation of electricity. Normally electricity is put in a wire to isolate the circuit. With wireless you are part of the circuit.


So what is going on today? Every WiFi router, mobile phone, cell tower, smart meter, etc is a transmitter that emits RFMW in the range of 500 MHZ to 6 GHz (Giga (Billion) Hertz). The human brain operates in the frequency range of 0.5 Hertz to about 30 Hertz; consider what may be happening when you transmit a billion Hertz next to your head? There is a reason the owner’s manual states to keep the phone at least an inch away for your head at all times.


People are getting sick from exposure to RFMW radiation because its effects are cumulative. In 2012, The Environmental Health Clinic, (EHC) at Women’s College Hospital, WCH in Toronto began diagnosing Electro Hyper Sensitivity, (EHS) and a 13 month waiting list is now 17 months. It is estimated that between 3 and 10% of the population suffers from EHS and is growing. These numbers indicate epidemic proportions. EHS has been recognized as a functional disability by Sweden. When any member of the UN recognizes a disability; all members of the United Nations recognize this functional impairment. This can all be verified with the UN Human Rights Act and the Human Rights Commission in Canada. Health Canada continues to discriminate against people suffering with EHS which is a functional disability. EHS symptoms are similar to classical radiation damage symptoms i.e. insomnia, aging of skin, loss of concentration, headaches, memory loss, irritability, eye floaters, blurred vision and hypo thyroid issues all due to the high frequency radiation. Also included are tinnitus, vertigo, sterility, infertility and a host of heart problems due to microwaves interfering with the autonomic nervous system which regulates the heart. People with EHS need to have full accessibility. Anyone with a disability does not need scientific evidence to recognize functional impairment. Since this type of disability is caused by the environment. It is the environment that needs to be treated so that at the very least there is a reduction in exposure. Society must do all it can to protect people with EHS by minimizing exposure to electrosmog. This can be achieved by having Wifi Free Zones at meetings and workshops and having all cell phones turned Completely OFF or Flight mode turned ON while in classrooms. Similar measures to banning smoking and wearing fragrance inside public buildings must be adopted for wireless radiation. Every human being must have equal opportunity for a healthy environment in a society based on equality. Therapeutic Touch Practitioners can do their part in making this happen. I am asking all the Therapeutic Touch Networks of Canada to go to extreme measures to help people with disabilities.


Why does Health Canada continue to deny the biological health effects of EMF exposure? On February 20, 2013 at a hearing in Montreal in front of the Superior Court of Quebec, Health Canada scientist, James McNamee, admitted that the Safety Code 6 guideline for Radio Frequency ‘Wireless’ Micro Wave radiation (which includes radiation from devices like cordless & cell phones, cell phone antennas, WiFi, IPADs, baby monitors, smart meters etc.) is based ONLY on preventing a heating effect! Safety Code 6 only protects the brain of a full grown male from heating up one degree in six minutes. Safety code 6 does not protect against the non-thermal biological health effects of long term exposure to low level microwave radiation. Health Canada continues to state publicly that Safety Code 6 protects against the thermal and non-thermal effects. Unfortunately, there is no Ombudsman that over looks Health Canada essentially giving Health Canada immunity to say what ever they want. Health Canada has been accused of interfering with the Royal Society of Canada’s latest review of Safety Code 6. Also Health Canada uses an interesting ‘Weight of Evidence’ approach in determining harm. While traditional scientific methods compare positive results against negative results. Health Canada combines the ‘no result’ evidence with the positive results evidence (even if these studies are created and financed by industry) and compares them both to the negative results. Then they conclude that the ‘Weight of Evidence’ `shows no harm. Keep in mind that it is easy to design a study that produces no results.  Health Canada’s credibility has to be questioned on this issue, for it is entrusted with protecting the health of the public. Need I remind you about Health Canada’s track record of waiting too long before taking action on - asbestos, leaded gasoline, DDT, Tobacco, GMO’s. We must be the ones to demand protection for ourselves and our children!


There is no question that this technology is exceptional in emergency situations and that it is fun, new and exciting. But at what expense do we entertain this convenience? When people realize how dangerous Wifi can be, there will be an outrage that children are exposed everyday while at school. Since WiFi was put in schools, concerned parents have repeatedly asked Trustees & Directors to turn the WiFi off when it is not being used but to no avail. Please see www.EHTrust.org for more tips on how to Practice Safe Tech and www.C4ST.org to join the national organization led by former President of Mircosoft Canada and help make policy changes in Canada.

In light of this highly controversial technology, I encourage organizations to adopt a framework of guidelines for public and occupational exposure to EMF exposure that reflects the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE.  The PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE states when there are indications of possible adverse effects, though they remain uncertain, THE RISKS FROM DOING NOTHING may be FAR GREATER than the RISKS OF TAKING ACTION TO CONTROL THESE EXPOSURES.  The PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE shifts the burden of proof from those suspecting a risk to THOSE WHO DISCOUNT IT.” 

The Myelin Sheath (liquid Crystal sleeve or coating surrounding our nerves) carries the currents that determine growth and healing rather than the nerve itself.

Toxic chemicals and EMF – Electro Magnetic Fields disrupt these pathways.

EMFs interfere with the most important job these signals are responsible for which is the combustion of food and oxygen so we can live and breathe. Like rain on a campfire, EMFs douse the flames of metabolism. Every person on the planet is affected by this invisible rain that penetrates into the fibre of our cells.                                                                                       

This slow asphyxiation causes the major diseases of civilization, cancer, diabetes and heart disease regardless of diet, exercise, lifestyle and genetics.

Electro Magnetic Fields have become so intense in our environment that we (humans and animals) are unable to metabolize fats the way our ancestors could.

There are ways to minimize exposure to EMFs and chemicals and energize the cells to optimize metabolism.

Love Your Cells

Adapted from The Invisible Rainbow - the history of electricity and life by Arthur Firstenberg


Health Canada regulated PEMF technology as a Medical Device in 2014 which has already been classified as a Medical Device in Europe for many years.

You may understand what a long, expensive and difficult process it is to get and hold a license for a Medical Device. Link to download the Medical License Certificates


The intention for use of the iMRS is to relieve aches and pain and to improve blood circulation which has been scientifically proven to Health Canada.


The iMRS is deeply relaxing, and for best results is used when applied in support and in conjunction with almost all conditions along with other protocols.

The idea is that PEMF charges up your 100 trillion cells in your body, optimizing energy potential, increasing cellular metabolism, and increasing overall well being.

Swiss Bionic Solutions https://crniziolek.swissbionic.com/en/ is  licensed to sell PEMF devices in Canada of which I am a referring agent.

The life span is reported to Health Canada to be 20 years but these high quality, hand assembled PEMF devices can easily last a lifetime.

Medical Devices are an income tax deduction and pre-approved loans are available in Ontario from www.medicard.com 

Here are some doctorsthat use the PEMF technology

http://www.drpawluk.com/ - Holistic Medical Doctor

 Dr. Joel Carmichael - The Center for Spine, Sport & Physical Medicine


http://www.info@seekerscentre.com   Dr. Richard Nahas - Holistic Medical Doctor 

http://www.magdahavas.com/  Professor at Trent University

PEMF NASA Patent – Apparatus and Method for Enhancing Tissue Repair in Mammals





Be Well & Thrive

Craig Niziolek CLSC 

Certified Life Style Consultant with Swiss Bionic Solutions


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